Example of executing SQL in the interactive environment.
prompt> /usr/local/bin/pgbash
Welcome to Pgbash ( bash-x.x.x ) Patch Ver.x rX.X
Type '?' for help with pgbash commands.
Type 'exit' or 'Ctrl+D' to terminate Pgbash.
pgbash> ?con pgbash:8408 db84
# PostgreSQL 8.4.8 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2
# CONNECT TO pgbash:8408 AS db84 USER pgbash
# List of database connection (C: current database is '*')
| C | connect_name | user_name | target_name(db@server:port) | client_encoding |
| * | db84 | pgbash | pgbash:8408 | |
(1 row)
pgbash> ?d
[ List of relations ]
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | countrylist | table | postgres
public | pgbash_description | table | pgbash
public | test_inherit | table | pgbash
public | test_inherit2 | table | pgbash
public | test_sequence | sequence | pgbash
public | test_table | table | pgbash
public | test_table2 | table | pgbash
public | test_view | view | pgbash
(8 rows)
pgbash> ?d test_table
[ Table "test_table" ]
Column | Type | NotNull | Default
code | integer | not null |
name | character varying(32) | | 'aaa'::character varying
address | character varying(64) | |
dept_id | character(4) | | '001'::bpchar
jobid | character(3) | not null | '999'::bpchar
inherits | test_table2 | |
(6 rows)
test_table_pkey : CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_table_pkey ON test_table USING btree (code)
ix_jobid : CREATE INDEX ix_jobid ON test_table USING btree (jobid)
Check constraints
ch_code : CHECK (code >= 1 AND code <= 9999)
ch_jobid : CHECK (jobid >= 'aaaa'::bpchar AND jobid <= 'zzzz'::bpchar)
Foreign keys
test_table_dept_id_fkey : FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES test_table_dept(dept_id)
pgbash> insert into member(userid,name,zip,address1,tel,email) values(
> 22, 'xxxxx11','611-2222','osaka','078-999-8888','youko@xxx.co.jp');
INSERT xxxxxxx
pgbash> insert into member(userid,name,zip,address1,tel,email) values(
> 23, 'aaaaa22','622-3333','osaka','078-888-7777','haru@aaa.co.jp');
INSERT xxxxxxx
pgbash> select userid,name,zip,address1,tel,email from member;
userid | name | zip | address1 | tel | email
22 | xxxxx11 | 611-2222 | osaka | 078-999-8888 | youko@xxx.co.jp
23 | aaaaa22 | 622-3333 | osaka | 078-888-7777 | haru@aaa.co.jp
24 | bbbbb33 | 633-4444 | kobe-shi | 078-666-5555 | nobu@bbb.co.jp
25 | cccccc | 644-5555 | kobe-shi | 06-1111-2222 | yumi@ccc.co.jp
26 | ddddd55 | 311-2222 | kobe-shi | 03-2222-3333 | miti@ddd.co.jp
(5 rows)
pgbash> L+
pgbash> !select
| userid | name | zip | address1 | tel | email |
| 22 | xxxxx11 | 611-2222 | osaka | 078-999-8888 | youko@xxx.co.jp |
| 23 | aaaaa22 | 622-3333 | osaka | 078-888-7777 | haru@aaa.co.jp |
| 24 | bbbbb33 | 633-4444 | kobe-shi | 078-666-5555 | nobu@bbb.co.jp |
| 25 | cccccc | 644-5555 | kobe-shi | 06-1111-2222 | yumi@ccc.co.jp |
| 26 | ddddd55 | 311-2222 | kobe-shi | 03-2222-3333 | miti@ddd.co.jp |
(5 rows)
pgbash> !! | more
| userid | name | zip | address1 | tel | email |
| 22 | xxxxx11 | 611-2222 | osaka | 078-999-8888 | youko@xxx.co.jp |
| 23 | aaaaa22 | 622-3333 | osaka | 078-888-7777 | haru@aaa.co.jp |
| 24 | bbbbb33 | 633-4444 | kobe-shi | 078-666-5555 | nobu@bbb.co.jp |
| 25 | cccccc | 644-5555 | kobe-shi | 06-1111-2222 | yumi@ccc.co.jp |
| 26 | ddddd55 | 311-2222 | kobe-shi | 03-2222-3333 | miti@ddd.co.jp |
(5 rows)
pgbash> select * from member ; &> /tmp/sel.dat &
pgbash> cat /tmp/sel.dat
| userid | name | zip | address1 | tel | email |
| 22 | xxxxx11 | 611-2222 | osaka | 078-999-8888 | youko@xxx.co.jp |
| 23 | aaaaa22 | 622-3333 | osaka | 078-888-7777 | haru@aaa.co.jp |
| 24 | bbbbb33 | 633-4444 | kobe-shi | 078-666-5555 | nobu@bbb.co.jp |
| 25 | cccccc | 644-5555 | kobe-shi | 06-1111-2222 | yumi@ccc.co.jp |
| 26 | ddddd55 | 311-2222 | kobe-shi | 03-2222-3333 | miti@ddd.co.jp |
(5 rows)
pgbash> L-
pgbash> select * from member_log_view;
stat| userid | name | zip | address1 | tel | email
| 1265 | kitamina | 555-1111 | Toyonaka | | tada@xxx.ne.jp
UP | 1265 | kitamina | 555-1111 | Toyonaka | 6666-1111,090 | tada@xxx.ne.jp
| 1252 | hota | 666-1111 | Nisinomi | 0797-61-1749 | mun@xxxxx.com
UP | 1252 | hota | 666-1111 | Nisinomi | 0797-61-1749 | mune@xxxxx.com
pgbash> disconnect all;
pgbash> exit